This page provides helpful information for travelers visiting Chiba Prefecture.
Travel insurance that can be purchased after entering Japan
If you would like to purchase travel insurance in preparation for possible illness or injury after ent... (Read more)
Which airport will you use coming to Tokyo?
Tokyo has two international airports for visitors: Narita and Haneda. Narita International Airport is ... (Read more)
About Narita Airport
Narita International Airport is Japan’s gateway to the world, receiving the nation’s largest number of... (Read more)
Hotels near Narita: Make Narita your easy destination
Narita International Airport is Japan’s primary gateway to the world, and the need for a hotel nearby ... (Read more)
Narita to Tokyo: 3 ways to go
There are a few options for getting to Tokyo once you touch down at Narita International Airport: You ... (Read more)
Traveling around Chiba by train
Japan’s public transportation system is very well developed and operated, especially the railroad netw... (Read more)
Visiting Chiba by express bus
Chiba is a prefecture neighboring Tokyo, the capital of Japan, and public transportation is available ... (Read more)
About Chiba & Area Guide
About Chiba: Chiba Prefecture is located just to the east of Tokyo, the capital of Japan. Chiba is mos... (Read more)
Sightseeing tips in Chiba, Japan
JNTO (Japan National Tourism Organization) has made it easy to gather all the information you need to ... (Read more)
Useful Information for your trip in Chiba
Traveling is a pleasurable experience, but it is also important to consider the potential hazards invo... (Read more)
The status of COVID-19 infections in Chiba
When You get Sick in Japan The JNTO (Japan National Tourism Organization) operates a website where for... (Read more)
Chiba hosts 8 events in the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020
Chiba Prefecture hosted eight sporting events in the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020. Chiba Ci... (Read more)